Does this catch your eye? But I am talking about winter predictions for this year. See what it says.9/4/2024 image from Garden Royalty Free Vector image Good morning, what a lovely morning. Cool, clear blue sky and low humidity 72 at 12:00 noon high today of 78 low of 59. What great weather just to sit outside and enjoy. Fall isn’t here by the calendar, but it does feel like fall in the air. I have been hearing some talk about the winter and how we are going to get lots of snow, and it will be cold. This is what the Old Farmer's Almanac shared with our area this winter. As I read it, it doesn’t say lots of snow and cold…what do you think?
Region 10: Heartland The heartland of America mainly covers Iowa, Missouri, and eastern Kansas, as well as Nebraska. Cities include Des Moines, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, and Topeka. How Cold Will Winter Be? Winter will be warmer than normal throughout this agricultural area. The coldest periods in the heartland will occur in late January and early and late February. Will There Be Snow? Precipitation and snowfall will be below normal as well. The most snow will fall when temperatures are coldest in late January as well as early and late February. Taken from Till next time this is Becky Litterer, Becky’s Greenhouse, Dougherty Iowa [email protected] 641-794-3337 cell 641-903-9365 [email protected]
image from It is a wonderful day and almost cool isn’t it. Does feel like fall in the air? We had rain so that helped but we are really dry so more would be good. I noticed the crops are slowly turning and fall harvest will be around the corner. WHERE O WHERE did this year go?
The growers I get plant plugs from are calling and telling me about some new stuff. I am not ready to think of that yet, but I suppose one of these days I better. I know this perennial is too late to plant for this year, but please give it some consideration for next year. Bees and pollinators need this in the fall. Asters enliven the garden in late summer and early fall when many flower blooms fade—providing a late-season treat for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators! Plant these deer-resistant native perennials to keep the color going About Asters Cold-hardy perennials with daisy-like flowers, aster flowers are the pollinator stars of the garden from late summer through fall. Growing 1 to 6 feet tall, depending on variety, these upright flowering plants bear cheerful star-shaped flower heads ranging from purple to white to blue. Even though there are more than 600 aster species, the two most commonly encountered asters in home gardening are the New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) and the New York aster (S. novi-belgii). Several years ago, the Aster genus was split into multiple genera. Aster now covers most European and Asian asters, while those native to North America belong to Symphyotrichum. Some hybrid varieties are available in showy colors, yet “wild type” species native to your region are generally a wise choice for the ecologically minded gardener despite not being quite as flashy as the cultivated varieties in some cases. Learn more about recommended varieties further down this page. Aster is versatile: Depending on the height, it’s suitable for borders, rock gardens, or wildflower gardens. As well as being a valuable pollinator plant for bees and butterflies, its tasty seed heads are sought by cardinals, chickadees, finches, nuthatches, and many other seed eaters. According to the North Carolina Extension, “Any species or cultivars of this genus would be a lovely addition to any home garden. It may be planted in a container for use on a porch or patio. It will also add color to a cottage garden or border garden. Butterflies and bees will appreciate the flowers, particularly as summer is ending and the evenings are getting cooler.” Planting Asters prefer areas with cool, moist summers and cool nights in sites with full to partial sun. In warmer climates, asters do not like the hot midday sun. Soil should be moist but well-drained and loamy. Wet clay soil will lead to root rot, and dry sandy soil will lead to plant wilt. Mix 2 to 3 inches of compost into the soil before planting. When to Plant Asters The best time to put young aster plants in the ground is in mid-to-late spring after the danger of frost has passed. (See local frost dates.) Or, you can plant mature, potted asters when available at garden centers (typically in the late summer or early fall). Asters can be grown from seed, but germination can be uneven. If desired, plant seeds in the fall or start them indoors in the winter. How to Plant Asters When planting young aster plants outside in the spring, space them 1 to 3 feet apart, depending on the type and how large they’re expected to get. Fully grown asters, such as those available in late summer or early fall, should be planted about three feet apart. If planting seeds, sow 1 inch deep in pots or flats and refrigerate them for 4 to 6 weeks to simulate winter dormancy. This cold period will kick-start germination. Water well and spread mulch around the plants to keep the soil cool and prevent weeds. Aster and monarch butterfly Asters are highly attractive to pollinators, especially bees and butterflies. Growing Add a thin layer of compost (or a portion of balanced fertilizer) with a 2–inch layer of mulch around the plants every spring to encourage vigorous growth. If less than 1 inch of rain falls weekly in summer, water regularly. But beware. Many asters are sensitive to too much or too little moisture. They will lose their lower foliage or not flower well. Watch for stress and try a different watering method if your plants lose flowers. Stake the tall varieties to keep them from falling over. Pinch or cut back asters by one-third once or twice in the early summer to promote bushier growth and more blooms. Don’t worry; they can take it! Do the Chelsea Chop! In winter, cut back asters after the foliage has died, or leave them through the winter to add some off-season interest to your garden. Birds may munch on the seeds, too. Note: Aster flowers that mature fully may reseed themselves. The resulting asters may not bloom true to their parent. (In other words, you may not get the same color flowers you planted initially!) Divide every 2 to 3 years in the spring to maintain your plant’s vigor and flower quality. Types The most common asters available in North America are the New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) and the New York aster (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii). Both of these plants are native to North America and are great flowers for pollinators. We recommend planting a native species of aster over a non-native species when possible, so talk with your local Cooperative Extension or garden center about which species are best suited to your area. Look for varieties with disease resistance. North American Asters New England asters (S. novae-angliae): Varieties have a range of flower colors, from magenta to deep purple. They typically grow larger than New York asters, though some varieties are smaller. New York asters (S. novi-belgii): There are many, many varieties of New York asters available. Their flowers range from bright pink to bluish-purple and can be double, semi-double, or single. Blue wood aster (S. cordifolium): Bushy with small, blue-to-white flowers. Heath aster (S. ericoides): A low-growing ground cover (similar to creeping phlox) with small, white flowers. Smooth aster (S. laeve): A tall, upright aster with small, lavender flowers. Aromatic aster (S. oblongifolium): Multi-branched at the base, stiff upright stems, with lavender or pink flowers. European/Eurasian Asters Frikart’s aster (Aster x frikartii) ‘Mönch’: Hailing from Switzerland, this mid-sized aster has large, lilac-blue flowers. Rhone aster (A. sedifolius) ‘Nanus’: This aster is known for its small, star-shaped, lilac-blue flowers and compact growth. Harvesting Cut asters for flower arrangements when blooms are just beginning to open. Vase life is 5 to 10 days. Asters have side shoots, which will continue to develop. These can be cut for indoor arrangements once they are the size you like. Taken from Till next time this is Becky Litterer, Becky’s Greenhouse, Dougherty Iowa 641-794-3337 cell 641-903-9365 [email protected] |
AuthorHi! My name is Becky and I am a Master Gardener. I own Becky's Greenhouse in Dougherty, Iowa. Archives
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